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What to Expect

Date: March 28, 2015

Location: Carnegie Music Hall Foyer, Pittsburgh

Time: 10 AM – 4 PM.  Free with Museum Admission


Attend informal demonstrations on how to care for your personal mementos

Discuss how to care for your unique family treasures* with over 30 experts in preservation, conservation, genealogy & archives

Explore how to properly store and maintain your paper and digital photos

*One hand-carried item per visitor. No dollies or carts. No appraisals or valuations will be given.

*Click here for TIPS on bringing your valuables to the Preservation Fair

The Preservation Fair is a one-day public information event at which conservators and preservation professionals are available to discuss what individuals can do to save their family treasures.  We recognize that all treasures are not housed in museums and take this opportunity to provide basic preservation information to the public. We have assembled over 30 exhibitors for this event, including experts specializing in the conservation of books, documents, paintings, art on paper, photographs, teddy bears, textiles, objects and architecture.

Bring your objects, photographs, documents, textiles, paintings or other family treasures for free basic conservation advice.  Please note that, due to the popularity of this event, visitors are to being one hand-held item only. No dollies or carts are allowed in the museum. No appraisals or valuations will be given.

Through these one-on-one discussions we hope to provide visitors with basic preservation information. Visitors will learn simple things they can do to extend the life of their treasures – such as providing the appropriate storage conditions, as well as what to do in the case of water, light, humidity or pest damage.  It’s also an opportunity for the conservators to demonstrate what can be done by trained experts. There may be a limit to what a person can do on their own to preserve their family treasures. Sometimes the best preservation is to do nothing at all yourself and consult a professional. Given the possibility of seriously damaging your item, professional conservation work can be well-worth the expense. 


The event is free with Museum admission; no separate registration is required.
