Auditing a Course

Students who are interested in the content of a course, who want to participate fully in that course, but do not want a grade in the course and do not need the course to count towards graduation may attempt to audit that course.

Students auditing a course still pay full tuition for that course, and an "N" shows up on the transcript in place of a grade.

Here are the procedures for auditing a course:

For undergraduate classes:

  1. Students should obtain a Grade Option/Audit Request form
  2. Students must obtain the signature of the instructor and their academic advisor
  3. Students bring the signed form to Student Services in the School offering the course before the drop/add deadline (this is very early in the semester!) - in the School of Information Sciences, this is the front desk on the 5th floor of the Information Sciences Building. If the course is in another School, students will need to contact that School to find the Student Services office.
  4. Student Services makes a copy of the form, keeps the copy, and send the original to Patti Carmen in the Registrar's Office

For graduate classes:

  1. There is no form. Students should verify with Student Services that the graduate course allows auditing.
  2. If so, the student needs to contact the instructor of the course to verify that the instructor will allow the student to audit the course.
  3. If yes, then the student registers for the class the same as any other graduate course
  4. The student should remind the instructor before grades are due that the instructor agreed to allow the student to audit the course, because the instructor is the one who must enter the audit grade for the student in the system.

