School of Information Sciences

Research Activities

    1. "Resolving the Problem of Intelligent Learning Content in Learning Management Systems" in the International Journal on E-Learning.  Co-authors include M. Rey-López, M., M. Meccawy, R. P. Díaz-Redondo, A. Fernández-Vilas, and H. Ashman.
    2. "A Framework for Performance Evaluation of User Modeling Servers for Web Applications" in Web Intelligence and Agent Systems with V. Zadorozhny, and M. Yudelson.
    3. "From WebEx to NavEx: Interactive Access to Annotated Program Examples" in Proceedings of the IEEE 96 with M. Yudelson.

More Than ...

Our programs look at more than the system, the archive, or the network. Students are taught to consider the needs of the end user.

The Leading Edge

Because Pitt is one of the top public research institutions in the world, iSchool students can do research projects with faculty members who are at the leading edges of their disciplines.