Events 2006 | Colloquia

Dr. Rafael Capurro

Professor of Information Management and Information Ethics at the Stuttgart Media University, Germany.


Friday, November 10th, 2006
Assembly Room at the William Pitt Union
10:30 a.m. - 12:00 noon
A coffee will precede the presentation at 10:00 a.m.


Privacy: An Intercultural Perspective

Originally from Montevideo, Uruguay Dr. Capurro earned his Ph.D. in Philosophy from Düsseldorf University in 1978. He is the founder of the International Center for Information Ethics (ICIE), a virtual center that provides an open forum for the exchange of information on teaching and research in the information ethics field. Additionally, Dr. Capurro is the Editor in Chief of the International Review of Information Ethics (IRIE), the official journal of the ICIE, whose focus is on the ethical considerations of information technology on human practices, thinking, and social interaction. Dr. Capurro is the author of numerous scholarly works and presentations on topics ranging from “Ethics Between Law and Public Policy” to “The Concept of Information” and “What is Angeletics?”.

Professor Capurro's presentation will focus on intercultural aspects of privacy, including privacy in cyberspace and mass media. He will address differences between Japanese and Western contexts. Beginning with a brief overview of Western subjectivity and human dignity as the basic assumptions underlying Western views on privacy, he will also discuss the Western concept of informational privacy. Using the Japanese topic of "denial of self" (Musi) as well as other Japanese concepts, the presentation will speak to important differences among cultures.

For more information about Dr. Capurro’s talk or other i-fest events
